Saturday, June 5, 2010

The count down continues!

ok my guess on the appearance of Maryann! As many of you know, I have a tendencie to talk to people who aren't here a kinda 6th sense in a way! ( please try not to freak out if you didn't know this about me, it will be ok I am not crazy) Anyway this morning Maryann and I had a talk and this is really what she had to say.....

but first let's look at the facts! Almost everything in the house is washed and put away and the office is ready to run with out me for a little while!
I am going numb from my left breast down my tummy to my stretch marks! Too much pressure I guess!
She has dropped so low I can not get up from the floor or roll over with out some series effort and strain!
She has also moved into a optimal birthing position and has been there for 2 days! Oh and I stopped gaining weight 2 weeks ago! though my fundus is still growing.
I think she is coming tonight! and I think she will be 7lbs 4 oz and 16.5 in long- well that's my guess anyway lets see what happens!

We had contractions from 11:30-2 am 50 sec long and 2-4 minutes apart. Then they just stopped! Gurr, I guess she tryed to come last night :-(